Jarvis Walker Applause Combos

RRP $74.95
Type: Combos
SKU: 18360K

Jarvis Walker Applause Combos leap into the modern braided line era. Each combo includes a braid-ready reel, a heavy-duty inserted solid tip rod, and 150m of braided fishing line that is top-shot over monofilament backing.

The nine different fishing combinations include spin, estuary, boat and general-purpose options. Each of the carefully matched combos creates practical, ready-to-fish outfits designed for Aussie fishing techniques and conditions.

The Applause reels include an aluminium spool, graphite body and rotor, three ball bearings, an infinite anti-reverse and a stainless steel main shaft. The inserted solid tip rods feature quality components and heavy-duty construction for rugged Australian fishing conditions.

The Jarvis Walker Applause Combos offer an excellent option for anglers looking to upgrade from their monofilament line combos or for those eager to explore the strength, sensitivity, and line capacity benefits of fishing with braided line.

MODELApplause 6'6" SpinApplause 6'6" SpinApplause 7' SupertipApplause 7'6" EstuaryApplause 6' BoatApplause 6'6" BoatApplause 7' BoatApplause 7' GPApplause 8' GP
APPLICATIONLight SpinLight SpinLight SpinEstuaryLight BoatLight BoatLight BoatJetty/ShoreJetty/Shore
LINE CAP. MONO6lb/262yd10lb/218yd6lb/262yd10lb/262yd20lb/394yd20lb/394yd20lb/394yd10lb/262yd20lb/394yd
GEAR RATIO5.2:15.2:15.2:15.2:15.2:15.2:15.2:15.2:15.2:1
REEL SIZE200030002000400060006000600040006000